Plump shrimp and delicate red snapper adorn this summery corn-and-tomato salad. Serve atop tender lettuce leaves and sprinkle with corn nuts for a satisfying...
These tasty little cod cakes are terrific to have on hand in the freezer. You can take out and cook as many or as few as you need. Defrost them overnight...
Transform marinara into an Indian-style simmer sauce for shrimp with the help of garam masala, fresh ginger, and scallions. Serve atop steamed couscous...
Shrimp tossed in dense Greek yogurt, mustard, garlic, and ketchup makes a delicious centerpiece for a leafy salad. Making remoulade with yogurt instead...
Baking fillet of sole en papillote (in parchment) keeps its delicateflavor intact. Here, fillets are topped with arugula and seasoned with salt and pepper....
An entree that transports you to Stockholm; shrimp with hard-boiled eggs, cornichons, fennel, soft buttery lettuce, and boiled baby potatoes. Bonus: Use...
Whipping up this sensational pasta dinner is as easy as boiling water. Eggs, pasta, and an array of bright produce cook in a single pot for a meal that's...
"I've gotta tell you, it is a bit on the spicy side, so feel free to reduce the cayenne peppers if you're not a spice lover. With white rice served alongside,...
Plump shrimp are cooked with aromatic fennel, sweet fresh corn, smoky chipotles in adobo, and a splash of cream for good measure in this flavor-packed...
Maine's sunny coast is as close as your patio when you break into foil packets of buttery shrimp, cod, potatoes, and corn. Don't forget crusty rolls to...
The addition of Champagne is not essential, but it is particularly delicious. If you are planning to serve some bubbly with your oysters, save a splash...